Aug 18, 2013 | Diary of a Digital Immigrant, News & Updates
Confessions of a Digital Immigrant – Part 3 I’m a long distance runner with five full marathons to my credit. I’ve always been a runner, from high school when it was the only extracurricular sport I had time for to the serious daily runner I became some 25 years ago....
Jul 3, 2013 | Diary of a Digital Immigrant, News & Updates
So… a bunch of us were talking about “guys” in the digital age. And I thought the only obstacle was my age. Now I’m not only chronologically challenged but gender challenged. Does anyone have a good statistic on how many men actually chat, and enjoy it? Just sitting...
May 7, 2013 | News & Updates
Okay, I’m 57 years old. If you go by Mark Prensky’s definition, that makes me a digital immigrant, a kind of “Johnny come lately” to the era of social media. Us older folk take pride in old fashioned things like a hard day’s work, chivalry and correct grammar. I was...