Oct 15, 2013 | News & Updates
One of the most often asked questions we get is “What’s the biggest sculpture you ever carved?” Hands down it’s the DC3 we designed and sculpted for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. CBC contracted with three companies in Toronto and ourselves here in Vancouver...
Oct 7, 2013 | News & Updates, Wedding Resources
Last minute engagement plans It all started with a phone call from the Executive Chef, @FairmontEmpress in Victoria. “We have a guest who was planning to get engaged somewhere far away but due to factors beyond his control he was going to have to pop the question on...
Aug 28, 2013 | News & Updates
To Vegas with love. It all started with a visit from a young couple who wanted and ice bar at their wedding. Nothing new so far, we do lots of those. Then came the surprise. Could I carve the Vegas strip onto the bar? I always say a quick “sure” when I get requests...
Aug 27, 2013 | Wedding Resources
Vancouver wedding videographers will preserve those special moments forevermore. Your wedding day is something you’ve dreamed about and planned since childhood, so it’s only appropriate that you capture each and every important moment on video! Wedding...
Aug 18, 2013 | Diary of a Digital Immigrant, News & Updates
Confessions of a Digital Immigrant – Part 3 I’m a long distance runner with five full marathons to my credit. I’ve always been a runner, from high school when it was the only extracurricular sport I had time for to the serious daily runner I became some 25 years ago....